at this minute im just so fed up with bein a student. this pm is doin me head in n it prob wont be in on time. how bout just working for awhile, earn some money n be able to have a ..what u say...a fairly normal life for a moment or two!!
yes yes i knooooow i shud finish my studies first n then sort bits like that out but..gosh im fed up with waiting for things all the time. one shud take chances while one is young. out to see the world. conquer new challenges n live wild before signing up for a job that spose to last til retirement. right??
im getting restless bein in the same place all the time. uppsala is doing my head in. its to small.
stockholm - ehm no thank you. gothenbourg...yeah maybe. What i really wna do is too move back to London, but its harder now when i got someone else to have in mind as well.
But movin to Gävle - am i really doin the right thing here?? For the moment, while im still at uni Gävle just got to do. Im spendin most of my time here anyways now, bein with daniel n all , but when i reach master level - im out of here!!! or arent i?
anyhow - where the F is spring? im not callin -14 with no sun out a spring weather.
i want summer - pronto!!!!
it drives me mad when people walk their dogs in the city n dont pick up the poo i think it shud be allowed for others to throw the poo at them, cuz i assure u that the day i accidently step in that poo n see someone not pickin up after their dogs is the day i will be attackin that dogowner and u can read about me in the newpaper!!! And it will ruin the spring with the horrible scent of melting poo instead of springflowers!! Get a grip!! *grr*
Went to see Alice in Wonderland yesterday, total awesomeness!!! Johnny Depp is just amazing!!
n i love the vapourizing cat ;P *meow*
alright then, time to finish off this silly silly pm. poo time.